We follow the guidelines of various organizations to maintain our strict safety procedures to keep our children, our families, and our staff safe at all times while at Preschool.

Our safety goals are:

  • To have specific policies in place to prevent the spreading of disease among our constituents and to have a plan in place in case it does
  • To keep the health and safety of our students and families at the forefront of our plan
  • To continue to maintain the curriculum and early education programs we are known for
  • To show through teaching and action the important of hand washing and cleanliness
  • To encourage children to social distance and refrain from touching each other
  • To educate children on how to be aware of symptoms of “feeling sick”
  • To engage in constant communication with our families and be as transparent as possible with our guidelines and plan

We monitor the health of our staff and our children through temperature taking and question asking.  We use authorized cleaning products on all our toys, materials, furniture, equipment, and bathrooms.  

The following links offer more information about how pandemics affect Christ Church Preschool and preschools in general:  

CDC Reopening Guidance: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/reopen-guidance.html

Childcare Aware of America: https://www.a.org/our-issues/crisis-and-disaster-resources/caregiver-and-ccrr-tools-publications-and-resources/pandemics/

CT Office of Early Childhood: https://www.ct.gov/oec/site/default.asp

Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/pdf/Reopening_America_Guidance.pdf